Graphic Design, Branding, Print

Empty Mug Records

Empty Mug Records is a label in Ann Arbor focused on producing indie rock music. They have an attatchment to an older sound and style, one of their most popular projects being their "Cold Brew Sessions", recorded acoustic sets featuring a variety of indie artists, playing in the outdoors.


Empty Mug Records


Merchandise Design

skills used

Photoshop, Print Design, Branding


This group was one of the first "real" graphic design projects I took on in college, and I still enjoy the end result.

I wanted to make a classic feeling bumper sticker, so I stuck with flat 2D design and a 50s inspired retro text. I made a Pinterest board and shared it with the client to see how they felt about my vision of the project, and once I got the go-ahead, I went to designing.

These stickers sold out the first show we had them for sale, and generated a profit for the club that was then able to be used on new equipment and venue booking.
